Youth Council
The Reserva Youth Council is a self-assembled group of proactive, inclusive, solution-oriented optimists who share a love of nature and are resolved to protect it. Our Council members are much more than formal advisors; they directly design, share, and implement Reserva’s initiatives. Nearly everything we do is as a result of the talent and dedication of these incredible young conservationists.
Click on each image for more information about each member. On a mobile device, click the photo, then tap the small dot on the lower right of your screen.
Many of our Youth Council members are available as speakers or contributing writers. To request a speaker/writer for your event, classroom, or publication, please email

Reserva’s Junior Committee Interview with Callie Broaddus
The Junior Committee at Reserva may be scattered around the world, but they worked together to interview our founder and executive director as part of their Grades of Green campaign. Thanks to super-mom Sheri Sather for supporting the team on this year’s Grades of Green campaign and editing this helpful video, which covers so many frequently asked questions!